The TwentySevenTeen Theme

Just started working with the new theme from WordPress called Twenty Seventeen and I gotta say “its about time”. Until now themes from the team at WordPress have been designed for the blogging community. But not anymore. 

The biggest difference I see in the the twenty seventeen theme is the ability to post new content and have that content displayed automatically on the home page. So not only can you use the “posting engine” to create content for social media, it will create “structured” and “fresh” content for your website. That’s huge. Here are just some of the things I like:

Things I like
1. I like that it makes it possible to treat the home page as a dynamic landing page.
2. I love that it makes setting up links to social media so easy. Ahhhh.
3. It seems a lot faster.
4. It looks really good on a mobile phone.

Some Minor Drawbacks.

1. If you go ahead and create the four pages you need for the landing page (home page) you have to deal with a very large featured image when you click to go the page itself. If I add a featured image to get that rolling image effect on the home page, I have to scroll down to see anything on the page itself because the image is so large. It would be nice if you had a choice.
2. No sidebars except on the posts. That’s kind of a drag, but we will see.